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Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Hate I'm Not Capable & Poor + Ibis Hotel Opening Ceremony

Last night was nagged by my parents-in-law about that 3 room house we saw just near where they stayed. I know the convenience of the house but I really think is not value for money. They keep said they'll help us to pay the COV and never ask for return. I know I'm poor and not capable but I won't take a cent from them even I go to borrow from others. Because I felt that "Money" is always a very sensitive item. I don't want we quarrel about the money in the end so I'm thinking how to be a polite way to reject their offer.

Anyway last night, my parents-in-law couldn't stayed at Ibis Hotel and they asked me and my wife to stayed. When we inside the room we saw a letter on the table. It was a opening ceremony invitation letter from Ibis Hotel but I never read the details because I knew when we wake up will be at noon time. Just now woke up and went down for check out and had our "brunch". They opening ceremony speech like just over and all the guest are there enjoyed all food and beverage served by Ibis Hotel. Here is some of the photo I took by my handphone so not that clear. =)


See! A lot of guest are caucasian.

You can check-in yourself through these Kiosk System.

Their advertising on SBS bus.

Food & beverage

Door gift

Look delicious but never get one and try. =(

1 comment:

  1. Me and my girl, a young couple, living with my parents and sister in a small one-room apartment. We're both learning at the university, I have to finish next year. In Moldova, it is very difficult to find a normal job, average wages were eating enough even a single person to live. Parents have often reminds us what we want to have to live for yourself. Favorite very upset about this and suffers. I very much love my girl, tried to work several jobs to at least rent a room, the money earned on them and go for services and for the food lacked. In our country, unfortunately, impossible to live without the help of parents. I tried many times to take a loan to buy an apartment and live there with his beloved. But here, all the banks and private firms were denied due to the fact that I have nothing to leave on bail, no decent salaries, student and many, many others. reasons that they could not give me credit, mortgage is the same. Because of this, a lot of young guys are leaving the country and move abroad, in order that would at least like it, equip your life. Due to the fact that the rented apartments went into debt. To buy the same one-room apartment needed money, which we can not ever earn here, for us to 30000 euros is too much. If you had this situation or you have the opportunity to help us, we are very grateful to all of your financial aid.


    Beneficiary: Tudorean Igor Constantin

    ID(series and number) or account number: 0101238408143

    Beneficiary's Bank: Banca de Economii S.A., Chisinau, Moldova


    Account with intermediary bank No: 890-0260-785

    Intermediary Bank: Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA


    Beneficiary: Tudorean Igor Constantin

    ID(series and number) or account number: 0101239788197

    Beneficiary's Bank: Banca de Economii S.A., Chisinau, Moldova


    Account with intermediary bank No: 400886819201

    Intermediary Bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


    Any questions or respond to Email: Ira and Igor, skype IgorIrkaT thanks in advance. Our site:
